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Transform your business into a beautiful interactive 3d experience. 

What we do

Step inside your new virtual reality store!


We transform your existing physical or digital business into a beautiful, interactive virtual reality experience! No matter what your product or service is, we can bring it to life in full 3d virtual reality.  


  • Extend your reach to a global audience with a "Digital Twin" of your existing store

  • Engage with your customers or employees like never before.​

  • Incredibly easy and affordable for any business! Our specialist VR designers and support team will guide you through the entire process. 


Don't miss out! We have limited VR consultancy available

Contact vr-ifi today. 


Jared Blake - GM Marketing Nation 

This was totally epic and I havnt taken the headset off. â€‹


Why you need it

Back in the 1990s a company emerged online selling books - that company was called Amazon. Here are some predictions made about them;


  • " is a bubble. It will burst soon."
    — Paul Krugman, Economist, 1998

  • "Amazon is selling books, sure, but they don’t have any retail stores—there’s no way they can be successful."
    — Retail Analysts, circa late 1990s

  • "E-commerce is a fairy tale."
    Business Week, 1995


Many will suggest that there is no way that Virtual Reality Stores or digital twins will sell products - we don't need to tell you otherwise, we just challenge you to put the headset on, and see for yourself. 

Who we have worked with

Short Video about Paul Cousins, founder of vr-ifi and the projects he has worked on 

able abodes.jpg

Datamars Livestock VR 

Trade show VR application netted hundreds of passers by and converted them into leads

Datamars Livestock VR 

Trade show VR application netted hundreds of passers by and converted them into leads


Datamars Livestock VR 

Trade show VR application netted hundreds of passers by and converted them into leads

Datamars Livestock VR 

Trade show VR application netted hundreds of passers by and converted them into leads

What Happens

You excitedly contact us and we book a meeting to understand your business, build a design brief and pick the right components from our powerful list of pre-built tools, need multiplayer? we got it. Want your website inside the experience? Too easy.


We prepare a quote for the build and once signed we rapidly prototype out the experience. Within a week, you could be standing inside your initial design and deciding which wall paper option suits your store best. It your virtual dream store after all. 


By the end of the month we have completed your build, we've tested it thoroughly and we've handed over the keys to your new virtual reality storefront, capable of generating real revenue form a global audience. 


Need help from there? 

No problem, we can publish the application for you, making it so easy all you have to do is say yes and leave the rest to us. 


Financed Over 12 Months

Vr-ifi App & Publishing (Financed)



Every month

+$5,000 Deposit

Base package includes everything you need to get into the metaverse.

Valid for 12 months

Initial Consultancy

Application Design Plan

Application Development

Live Testing and Design Iteration

Quality Assurance Testing

Publishing of Application

12 Months Support

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